Thursday, 17 February 2011

Rwandan Minister's Salacious Photos

Unless there are some other pictures! 

The photos we have received of Joseph Habineza - the Rwandan minister who resigned citing improper behaviour following the publication of the pictures - are way below Western threshold of things that can warrant resignation from cabinet. 

In Africa, there is almost non-existent threshold.

But anyway, Joseph Habineza is not any other ordinary minister for culture and sports at all. I met him for a serious of interviews in 2007. He is quite a moral man. He came across as a honest and friendly person. He sits through boring meetings to the end, as opposed to many ministers who'd excuse themselves to attend to other things

But in recent months, he has been attending several youth functions, some which have made him quite uncomfortable.

Now, the reason he is resigning is because photos were circulated on the internet showing him in warmly intimate poses with several women. 

"I have resigned for personal reasons but when you see people publishing pictures and all that, it is not good for your image as a minister," Habineza told the Rwandan New Times.
The pictures question are the ones we have published on this post.

Habineza says these photos were taken in 2008.

We are on the lookout if there any other pictures in relation to this story.

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